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Shaft Area Profile Evaluator (SHAPE®)
Date: 10/2021
A cost effective QA testing device providing a visual representation of a…
Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA) System
Date: 03/2017
High strain dynamic load testing and pile driving monitoring system. Perform dynamic…
Pile Integrity Tester (PIT)
Date: 03/2017
Low strain integrity testing by pulse echo or transient response methods. Reveals…
SPT Analyzer
Date: 03/2017
Determines energy transferred by SPT Hammers using force and velocity measurements Offers…
Thermal Evaluation of Mass Pours (TEMP)
Date: 03/2017
TEMP (Thermal Evaluation of Mass Pours) is a system that measures temperatures…
Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP™)
Date: 03/2017
Evaluation of the entire cross-section and the entire length of the deep…