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Gravare, C. , Goble, G. , Rausche, F. , Likins, G.
Ground Engineering, United Kingdom; 1980
Goble, G. , Moses, F. , Snyder, R.
Transportation Research Record 749, Washington, D.C., pp 42-45; 1980
Goble, G. , Rausche, F.
Numeric Methods in Offshore Piling, London, England, pp 29-36; 1979
Rausche, F. , Goble, G.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 670, Philadelphia, PA, pp 500-506; 1979
Rausche, F.
Proceedings of the European Offshore Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Earls Court, London, pp 423-430; 1978
Likins, G. , Goble, G.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference, Ohio State University, OH, pp 57-67; 1978
Goble, G. , Likins, G. , Teferra, W.
Ohio Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration, Cleveland, OH; 1977
Goble, G. , Fricke, K. , Likins, G.
Prestressed Concrete Institute Journal, Vol.21, No. 1, pp 1-20; 1976
Goble, G. , Likins, G. , Rausche, F.
Ohio Department of Transportation, Cleveland, OH; 1975
Rausche, F.
Vorträge der Baugrundtagung, Frankfurt, Deutschland, pp 395-409; 1974
Rausche, F. , Moses, F. , Goble, G.
Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Reston, VA, pp 418-440; 1972
Rausche, F. , Goble, G.
Journal of the Construction Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 211-218; 1972